I'm very excited to share my new classroom management tool, that is working like a charm, and the winners of my birthday giveaways!
First I have to share this hilarious card one of my students made me for my birthday. She knows I love Duck Dynasty... so she decided to make us part of the Robertson clan! :)
Okay... on to classroom management...
This year I quickly realized that some of the classroom management systems I have used in the past just aren't going to work. At our school, every teacher uses the same behavior system. Some teachers use moving clips, pulling tickets, or jumping frogs, but our colors and consequences are all the same. In my classroom, students pull tickets. They start each day on blue (because that is our school's color), green is a warning, yellow is a time out/reflection, orange is a time out/reflection and partial loss of recess, red is a time out/reflection in another classroom and partial loss of recess, and the next step is the office. For the last few years, I used a sticker system. If students did not pull any tickets all day, they earned a sticker. After they got so many stickers they would get a reward. This year, however, that is clearly not going to work. So after doing some thinking, I came up with a new system!
Enter... Duck Bucks!
Classroom management with the Robertsons! Because good behavior makes us happy, happy, happy!
Classroom management with the Robertsons! Because good behavior makes us happy, happy, happy!
If you can't tell... I LOVE Duck Dynasty! :)
Here is how we use them...
Every day, my students can earn a Duck Buck if they stay on blue all day. We all know we have those kiddos that rarely stay on blue (or, like at most schools, green) all day. But I still wanted them to be able to feel successful with their behavior and earn Duck Bucks. So, I carry Duck Bucks with me all day in my special "wallet". When I see a student that is setting a good example for their peers, being extra well behaved, etc., I give them a Duck Buck to go put in the "pocket".
Each student has a pocket to keep their Duck Bucks in. When I give them a Duck Buck during class time, they quietly and quickly go put it in their pocket. I was afraid it would be disruptive but they are so excited to earn the Duck Buck and get back to earn more, they go quickly and quietly to put them away. On certain days, students can exchange their Duck Bucks (5 ones for one 5, etc.) They love it.
So what do they do with their Duck Bucks? Well, we have come up with different rewards that the students can save up for. This Friday my students got to count up all their Duck Bucks and decide if they wanted to spend their Duck Bucks on a reward. They had so much fun and were so excited to see how many Duck Bucks they've earned. My students feel so proud when they earn a Duck Buck and all of my students have been earning a lot of them. The Duck Bucks have been amazing for my kiddos that are a bit challenging in the behavior department.
If you want to try Duck Bucks in your classroom, you can get them at my TPT shop!
Now for the winners of my birthday giveaways!

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