I hope you all are having a great summer and are enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation. I am so excited to be linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for my first ever...
I have seen so many cute frames for the first day of school pictures and wanted to make one for my 2nd graders. When I was at the store getting all of the supplies... I forgot to get letters to say "First day", so instead I ran to Walmart and got a little oval piece of wood and painted chalkboard pain on it. Now I can write "First day" and "Last day" on there! I'm so excited. Here is how my frame turned out...
And my little Paisley wanted to model what it will look like when someone is behind it... of course a child will be slightly larger ;)...
The next thing I've been working on is our 2nd grade FISH Books...
What is a FISH Book? I'm so glad you asked. A FISH Book is a school-home communication book. I have seen many other teachers use the acronym FISH (which stands for Family Involvement Starts Here... cute right?) for their communication binders... but binders seemed a little bulky and we didn't want to overload it with too much info. So we created our own school-home communication book... and they are pretty cute...Inside we have a place for our students to do a daily reflection of something they've learned that day (Monday-Thursday) and at the bottom is a place for parents to write notes to us and visa-versa. On the other page we have the Special for the day, their behavior for the day, and a place for them to fill in their reading log each day. There is also a place for parents to initial next to the reading log so we can be sure they check their behavior and reading log each night. We have been using this for the past few years and just LOVE it!
Last up on my Monday Made It are these babies... my Lock Smocks. Here are the ones I had to send out today...
(Please ignore the mess of Paisley's stuff in the corner... those are her Christmas PJs poking out :) )
I have been working like a mad woman to keep up with all of these Lock Smock orders! But I wont complain! I'm so happy that people are loving them!
Head on over to 4th Grade Frolics to see more great projects!